Dexter's Laboratory (commonly abbreviated as Dexter's Lab) is an American comic science fiction animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network, and the first of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. The series follows Dexter, a boy-genius and inventor with a secret laboratory, who constantly battles his sister Dee Dee in an attempt to keep her out of the lab. He also engages in a bitter rivalry with his neighbor and fellow-genius Mandark. The first two seasons contained additional segments: Dial M for Monkey, which focuses on Dexter's pet lab-monkey/superhero, and The Justice Friends, about a trio of superheroes who share an apartment.
On November 4, 2014, Percy's Fast Food Restaurant Toys Collection was declared the Largest by the Guinness World Records at 10,000 unique pieces from McDonald's, Jollibee, Burger King, KFC, Wendy's, Chick-Fil-A, Carl's Jr., Hardee's and other Fast Food Restaurants. This blog highlights and celebrates each individual toy's story included in the collection as all of them are now Officially Amazing!!! I will also feature my Comic Strip, Amazing Grace who I hope will be a Fast Food Toy too someday.
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Monday, June 29, 2015
Dexter and Dee Dee - JB
Dexter's Laboratory (commonly abbreviated as Dexter's Lab) is an American comic science fiction animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network, and the first of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. The series follows Dexter, a boy-genius and inventor with a secret laboratory, who constantly battles his sister Dee Dee in an attempt to keep her out of the lab. He also engages in a bitter rivalry with his neighbor and fellow-genius Mandark. The first two seasons contained additional segments: Dial M for Monkey, which focuses on Dexter's pet lab-monkey/superhero, and The Justice Friends, about a trio of superheroes who share an apartment.
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Woah! This was an amazing show. I am glad that it is still available on Netflix in different languages because I want every kid to watch that show. Also, I found some nice shows by Andy Yeatman on Netflix and believe me the content is entertaining and very educating.