
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hefty Smurf (McDonald's 2015)

 Amazing Grace is...

a Hefty Smurf toy from McDonald's Happy Meal USA in 2015. I acquired this toy when I visited the Mololos Toy Convention (MalCon) on July 16, 2022.

Did you know?

Hefty is considered the strongest and bravest Smurf of all who's willing to use his strength to help out his fellow Smurfs.

He spends his mornings exercising, and his house is full of work-out equipment. Hefty is also the most athletic of the Smurfs, able to climb up tall trees and bring down whatever is up there without much effort. However, in "Smurfy Secrets", it is revealed that Hefty greases his chest to look strong.

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